Matt Smith to Step Down from Doctor Who
>> Wednesday, April 1, 2009 –
Matt Smith,
Series 5
Matt Smith revealed today that he has been having second thoughts of playing The Eleventh Doctor in Series 5, next year. He confirmed that he will be stepping down as the Time-Lord, which means that urgent casting re-calls are needed.
Many Fans were very dissapointed to hear the news for this, as they were really looking forward to Smith playing the Doctor, and thought he'd be perfect.
All I have to say to that is........
April Fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do not take this post into account, as it is fake! April 1st, also known as April Fools Day is when some people play pranks on other people to 'fool' them.
Have you Played any April Fools yet?
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that was a cruel april fools joke...lmao I was really hoping it was I am not at all please with their choice of the next Doctor and not really looking forward to seeing him in action, I hope, I really hope I could be wrong but not holding my breathe!