A Lot of Catching Up to do...
>> Friday, May 29, 2009 –
Karen Gillian,
Lots of stuff
Okay, so welcome back to the blog, we were closed down for a little while due to reconstruction and all that, and I will start updating and creating new pages next week. There is so much news to catch up on, so here goes nothing...
- Eve Myles is pregnant.
- The cover and synopsis for Doctor Who: Annual 2010 has been released.
- More Torchwood radio stories are to come.
- A new Matt Smith interview has been released.
- Ood Sigma is returning for the finale along with Rose.
- Matt Smith has been nominated best actor at the TV Choice Awards.
- The cover and details for DWM 409 have been released.
- A Tonight's The Night mini-episode has been released.
- A new animation, Dreamland, is due to begin soon.
- The Tenth Doctor is to appear in SJA later this year.
- A script for a Doctor Who movie is currently in development.
Excuse me if I've missed anything else, but most importantly the companion for The Eleventh Doctor has been announced and is played by Karen Gillian!
What do you think of the new comapnion?