The picture below shows filming of an episode of Series Five with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan beside the TARDIS. You can also see what seems to be a new Sonic Screwdriver being thrown by Matt Smith.
Could this be yet another version of the Sonic Screwdriver?
If it is a new dsign of the Sonic then we have all seen what the accessory will be for the first Eleventh Doctor action figure. Kind of reminds me of Jon Pertwee's Sonic from "The Three Doctors".
Looks good! Not as good as current one though!
Not too sure about the sonic now =/
I just can't help keep looking at Karen! :D
If it is a new dsign of the Sonic then we have all seen what the accessory will be for the first Eleventh Doctor action figure. Kind of reminds me of Jon Pertwee's Sonic from "The Three Doctors".